Joerg Abendroth, Souheil Bcheri, Ioannis Krontiris, Vasiliki Liagkou, Ahmad Sabouri, Eva Schlehahn, Fatbardh Veseli, Harald Zwingelberg

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This amendment describes in more detail the high level architecture and the building blocks of a typical Privacy-ABC application. The proposed building blocks are abstractions from several examined scenarios, including the two pilots, with emphasis on generality of applicability. These scenarios (eID, Bank as ID Service Provider, eParticipation and Verifier Privacy Protection) are described with respect to their benefits from employing Privacy-ABCs, the involved actors and the instantiation of the generic building blocks. The technical details underlying the building blocks as well as the corresponding APIs can be found in D2.1. Contrary (or, rather, complementary) to this technical deliverable, the main objective of this amendment is to provide insights in Privacy-ABCs technologies to software architects and regulators of privacy critical ecosystems in order to assist them in designing, setting up and operating their own applications using these technologies.

Executive Summary

This amendment describes in more detail the high level architecture and the building blocks of a typical Privacy-ABC application. The proposed building blocks are abstractions from several examined scenarios, including the two pilots, with emphasis on generality of applicability. These scenarios, beyond the two pilots that are described in depth in the corresponding project deliverables, are the following:

  • eID
  • Bank as ID Service Provider
  • eParticipation
  • Verifier Privacy Protection by means of Trusted Third Party

These scenarios are described with respect to their benefits from employing Privacy-ABCs, the involved actors and the instantiation of the generic building blocks. The technical details underlying the building blocks as well as the corresponding APIs can be found in D2.1. Contrary (or, rather, complementary) to this technical deliverable, the main objective of this amendment is to provide insights in Privacy-ABCs technologies to software architects and regulators of privacy critical ecosystems in order to assist them in designing, setting-up and operating their own applications using these technologies. Within this context, also also organisational, legal and set-up aspects are covered such as for instance the order in which the system parameters should be generated and exchanged between system components, the legal aspects that are important and the buildings blocks that should best specific application scenarios. The document starts with an introduction to the assumptions (legal and technical) underlying the Privacy-ABC technologies, as well as the actors and the high level building blocks. Then after a summary of the integration and setup aspects, the scenarios beyond the two pilots, are introduced. Each scenario is presented along with its specific building block instantiation and the issues that require attention. These issues are different for each scenario and it is well possible that the readers discover that the issues that beset their own application scenarios have many similarities with the discussed issues. In the final conclusions section, we summarize our discussion and point to issues for further investigation.