By Souheil Bcheri, Norbert Götze, Vasiliki Liagkou, Apostolis Pyrgelis,
Christoforos Raptopoulos, Yannis Stamatiou, Katalin Storf,  
Peder Wängmark, Harald Zwingelberg

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In this document we provide a high level description of the use case scenarios that we have chosen for implementation in the two pilots that will be conducted in order to assess the ABC4Trust framework. We also describe the roles of the agents that are involved in the pilots as well as their responsibilities with respect to the handling of information processed during the conduct of the pilots. Furthermore, in this document we describe the characteristics and requirements of the two pilots so as to drive, appropriately, engineering and architectural decisions in other work packages that will provide the necessary software support and expertise to the pilots. Our effort was towards delineating the requirements that are common separately from the ones in which the pilots differ so as to start building the common denominator elements of the pilots that will be implemented once for both pilots.


Executive Summary

The ABC4Trust project’s main objective is twofold: (i) the definition of a unified reference architecture for systems deploying privacy-enhancing Attribute-based Credentials (Privacy-ABCs) and (ii) the development of an open reference implementation of a full ABC system that will be integrated into two complete real pilot applications that will provide feedback to the reference architecture and implementation results. These will be the first pilots of ABC deployments in real application environments for collecting feedback on the deployment of ABC systems.

The project will gather practical experience with ABC systems in two specific environments: (i) the protection of the anonymity of children in a school environment located in Sweden and (ii) remote, anonymous course evaluation within universities by eligible students in Greece. The first challenges in deploying a full ABC system in these two domains are to clearly describe the target application scenarios and define the resulting set of requirements which are the two main goals of this deliverable.

Our efforts in the deliverable are primarily focused on defining, clearly, the main scenarios and use cases that will be handled by the pilot application systems in the two different pilot contexts of the school and the university. From these scenarios we extract the requirements that will have to be fulfilled by the reference implementation of ABCs as well as the complete pilot application systems. We have tried to keep the definitions and requirements at a high level but keep a balance between having too much detail and, thus, placing constraints at an early stage to the work done in the reference implementation part of the project and having too few details, thus providing very limited information about the pilot application requirements to the implementation work. More details about the chosen scenarios and technical decisions are being, continually, inserted in two living documents maintained by consortium members involved in the reference implementation and the pilots which are called High Level Technical Design (HLTD) documents and which expand the information provided in the present project deliverable. Its content will serve as input for upcoming public deliverables. This separation enabled us to provide, formally (through the deliverable), a clear description of the chosen scenarios and their requirements at an early stage and then be able to expand the implementation details gradually as the implementation work on the core components of the ABC system advances.

In this document we also give two tables which show the kind of proofs that will be required to be performed on the pilot related credentials in order to fulfill the requirements of the pilot scenarios. Such a table will guide WP4 (reference implementation of an ABC system), WP6 (system for the school pilot) and WP7 (system for the university pilot).

Finally, in this deliverable we also define the roles of the involved (in the pilots) stakeholders in both the school and the university pilots in order to carry out the defined scenarios. We assign all the roles that are prescribed in deliverable D2.1 (the ABC architecture definition document) to partners and discuss the respecting responsibilities of the partners in the context of each pilot.

The output of this deliverable, along with the HLTD documents, will feed WP4 which is responsible for delivering the reference implementation that will handle the more general requirements of ABC systems set forth by WP2 as well as the pilot related requirements as prescribed in the present deliverable. More details and scheduling information about the two pilots will be provided in deliverables D6.1 and D7.1 of the pilots work packages WP6 and WP7 respectively.