ABC4Trust Public Event in Athens, Greece
Attribute Based Credentials for privacy preserving identity management:
Legal and technical issues, implementation initiatives, and future trends
September 20th 2011, TITANIA HOTEL, Panepisthmiou 52 , Athens, Greece, "OURANOS" Conference Center, on the 10th floor.
New and original research results and the latest state-of-the-art in Attribute-based Credentials and Trustworthiness will be presented by scientific experts and businessmen.
The number of transactions performed electronically is rising fast. Every day people use the Internet for a variety of services, including accessing personal information, electronic purchases, e-banking, as well as interactions with government bodies. As securing these transactions requires strong authentication, electronic authentication tokens, or digital credentials, are employed.
Up to now, however, the digital credentials employed for authenticating or identifying users do not respect users’ privacy. They invariably reveal the identity of the holder even though the service may require much less information, for instance only confirmation that the user is a teenager or he/she is eligible for certain social benefits.
In contrast to that, the new concept of Attribute-based Credentials (ABCs) allows a holder to reveal only the information required by the application, without giving away full identity information, preserving in this way the privacy of service users. Such digital credentials, consequently, can be the cornerstone of a trustworthy and at the same time privacy-protecting digital society. In particular for Greece, ABCs can be the main ingredient of the forthcoming digital identification card as well as the electronic health card that will, soon, be introduced towards the reform of the public sector and the strengthening of eGovernance in the country.
ABC4Trust is a European project ( whose goal is to address the federation and interoperability of existing technologies that support trustworthy and privacy-preserving ABC-based user authentication. Computer Technology Institute and Press - "Diophantus" (CTI), as a member of the ABC4Trust consortium, organizes an information day on Attribute Based Credentials and their role in future eIdentity management technologies and policies. The event will be held on 20 September 2011 at the main conference room of TITANIA Hotel in the center of Athens.
You are cordially invited to attend the talks, which will be delivered by members of the ABC4Trust consortium, who are pioneers of the ABCs technologies, experts on Identity Management services, as well as specialists in the involved legal issues and policies. Following the talks, a round table discussion will take place in which the speakers will discuss with the audience the possibility of incorporating ABCs as an “off-the-shelf” solution in existing products and Internet services as well as future privacy preserving eIdentity management systems.
Professor Paul Spirakis,
Director, Computer Technology Institute and Press “Diophantus”
If you plan to attend the information day,please fill in the registration form.
The event will be held in conference center of the Titania Hotel . The TITANIA hotel is located within walking distance of the most important historical and cultural buildings; the Archaeological Museum, the University of Athens, The National Library, the Parliament and is also close to the Acropolis.).
Time |
Title |
Speaker |
9.30-10.00 |
10.00-10.30 |
Introduction Prof. Kaklamanis will present CTI and its strategic role in shaping policies in Greece given its special relationship with the Ministry of Education and he will introduce ABCs and the ABC4Trust to decision makers from the public and private sector.
Christos Kaklamanis CTI for personal bio see |
10.30-11.00 |
Trust in the evolving context Prof. Metakides will discuss pertinent EU Research and Development policies in identity management, and will also present some strategic views of the New Digital Enlightenment Forum
George Metakidis CTI for personal bio see |
11.00-11.30 |
Coffee Break
11.30-12.00 |
Privacy-respecting eIdentity Management and Trust in the Information Society - The contribution of ABC4Trust
Prof. Rannenberg will introduce the ABC4Trust project and its internals, connecting ABCs with the problem of identity management on the Internet. Prof Rannenberg will focus on how the project brings together the two leaders in the ABC technology and on how ABC4Trust will harmonize these technologies into a single solution/platformready to be incorporated in products. |
Kai Rannenberg Goethe University Frankfurt for personal bio see |
12.00-12.30 |
ABCs from the perspective of Data Protection Authorities
Mr. Zwingelberg will present a legal topic in order to introduce the area of eID, as well as dissemination plans of the ABC-idea and related legal basics / research to the eID community. |
Harald Zwingelberg ULD |
12.30-13.00 |
User Centric Identity and Privacy Management
Mr. Seidl will present a real-life IDM system designed by NSN and how it works. |
Robert Seidl Nokia Siemens Networks for personal bio see |
13.00-14.00 |
14.00-14.30 |
Idemix Demo
Dr. Camenisch will present Idemix and how it can help support user centric, eIdentity management. He will introduce several application cases. |
Jan Camenisch IBM for personal bio see |
14.30-15.00 |
Progress toward a user-centric privacy-protecting identity ecosystem
Mr. Paquin will talk about the evolution of identity systems (PKI, federation), including some of Microsoft's efforts (Passport, Information Cards & CardSpace) that lead to the design of U-Prove and its integration into identity systems. |
Christian Paquin Microsoft for personal bio see |
15.00-15.30 |
Coffee Break
15.30-16.00 |
Swedish Pilot- Community Interaction Among Pupils
Mr. Bcheri can give a general overview of the Swedish market situation concerning digital identification, exchange of sensitive personal data and other privacy related issues. He will also make a presentation of the Swedish pilot (problems, needs, regulations) and how ABC4Trust can be a solution. |
Souheil Bcheri Eurodocs AB for personal bio see |
16.00-16.30 |
Patras Pilot-University Interaction Among Students
Prof. Stamatiou will give a general overview of the Greek market situation concerning digital identification, exchange of sensitive personal data and other privacy related issues. He will also talk about the possibility of bringing ABCs into every aspect of eGovernance so that attendees involved in decision making can bear in mind this when shaping eGovernment/ICT plans for Greece. Finally he will present the Greek pilot problems, needs, regulations) and how ABC4Trust can be a solution. |
Yannis Stamatiou CTI for personal bio see |
16.30-17.00 |
Round Table Discussion