Related Projects
Selection of current or recent project
- BIC - Building International Cooperation for Trustworthy ICT
- DigIDeas - Social and Ethical Aspects of Digital Identities
- Effects+ - European Framework for future Internet - Compliance, Trust, Security and Privacy through effective clustering
- ENDORSE - Legal Technical Framework for Privacy Preserving Data Management
- FI-WARE - Future Internet Core Platform
- FutureID - Shaping the Future for Electronic Identity
- Lyrics - Lightweight privacY-enhancing cRyptography for mobIle Contactless Services (France)
- PRISMS - Privacy and Security Mirrors
- SAPIENT - Supporting fundamentAl rights, PrIvacy and Ethics in surveillaNce Technologies
- SPION - SBO Security and Privacy for Online Social Networks
- SSEDIC - Scoping the single European Digital Identity Community
- uTRUSTit - Usable Trust in the Internet of Things!
Selection of past projects
- EuroPriSe - European Privacy Seal
- FIDIS - Future of Identity in the Information Society
- PICOS - Privacy and Identity Management for Community Services
- PrimeLife - Bringing sustainable privacy and identity management to future networks and services
- PHMethics - Interdisciplinary research to analyse the relationship between ethics, law and psychosocial as well as medical sciences
- PRIME - Privacy and Identity Management for Europe
- TAS³ - Trusted Architecture for Securely Shared Services
- TURBINE - TrUsted Revocable Biometric IdeNtitiEs